Elevator-Pitch Science
Welcome to “Elevator-Pitch Science”, the latest feature on Col’s Rational World Blog.
On this page I’m providing answers to some common questions, including those covered by my recent presentation series on Science, Rational Thinking and Scientific Skepticism. But because I know that you, dear reader, don’t necessarily have the time required to read a lengthy exposition of the finer points of each argument, I’m providing you with the answers to varying levels of detail. So you can pick and choose the length of answer you need.
There aren’t many answers on here yet, but I thought I would update them as and when they arise. I also have a few decent answers to some of these that I’ve written in the past, that I will no doubt add to this site as time goes on.
Suggestions for more topics to cover to the usual address.
As you can tell, this site is still very much under construction, so please bear with me.
Science and Creationism
Q1. How Old is the Earth?
Answers in : 5 | 10 | 20 | 50 words
Q2. What is Science?
Answers in : 5 | 10 | 20 | 50 words
Q3. What is Bayes Theorem?
Answers in : 5 | 10 | 20 | 50 words
Philosophy of Religion
Q1. What is Atheism?
Answers in : 5 | 10 | 20 | 50 words
Philosophy of Science
Q1. What is Materialism?
Answers in : 5 | 10 | 20 | 50 words